The Great Global Lion Debate: Who’s Your Favorite Lion Ever?

It’s our favorite question. President of Tyson Lester and our social media team have been asking: who’s YOUR favorite lion ever? And we’ve gotten lots of AWESOME answers from all over the world (posted at the bottom of this blog post).

The lion is the identity of our company — it projects our image to our clients, colleagues, and friends. And, it’s a very universally diverse symbol… most commonly associated with traits like: majesty, royalty, strength, courage, justice, and might.

Additionally, we contribute to (click to visit), a non-profit dedicated to the conservation and protection of the African Lion. Visit their website and pickup a charming, affordable ($21) designer bracelet. They’re hand-made by South African designer jeweler Lianne Landman. A significant portion of proceeds goes directly to protecting the African Lion, whose population has declined 90% in the past 75 years.

So… have you been nominated to join the debate? We’re glad that you’re here, and excited to hear what you’ve got to say. Art lions, sports lions, historical lions, movie lions, royal lions, and many, many more. Join the “great lion debate” community with us today. We’d formally like to ask you: who’s YOUR… favorite lion ever?

(**Editor’s note: if you’re reading this blog post and weren’t nominated on social media, but want to post your favorite lion ever in the comments, please do! We want to hear from you.)