Entries by PolicyAdvantage

Benefits Chalk Talk: Defined Contribution Health Plan Strategies

Welcome back to another edition of “Benefits Chalk Talk.” Our biggest goal in this blog series is to help you understand all of the different tools (and planning strategies) that fund healthcare. By providing you with valuable, up-to-date, and relevant information… we’ll give you the power to put things in place that make the most […]

Insurance Alphabet: Letter D

D is for: “Deductible” Deductible: is the initial amount of medical expenses an individual must pay before he or she will receive benefits under a medical expense plan. —————————————————————————————————————————————- Example: Plan Type: PPO Co-Payment: $30 primary care, $50 specialist Deductible: $3000 Coinsurance: 70%/30% Annual out of Pocket Maximum: $5000 In the PPO listed above, the deductible is $3000. The $3000 deductible must […]

Benefits Chalk Talk: Individual Tax Penalties Starting in 2014

By now you’ve heard all about the “individual tax penalties” that apply to most Americans if they’re not carrying health insurance by January 1st, 2014. Back in June of 2012, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the “individual mandate” based on the congressional power to regulate tax. What does this mean? It means […]

Your Health Benefits Toolbox

Today’s blog post is a general overview about all of the “tools” that are available to people to fund their healthcare. We’re also going to talk about the sources of these tools. One of our biggest goals is to help you understand the programs that are available, and where the access and funding of these programs […]

Insurance Alphabet: Letter C

C is for: “COINSURANCE” Coinsurance (or co-insurance): is the percentage of covered expenses under a major medical plan that will be paid once the deductible is satisfied. Said another way, it’s the portion of the bill that the policyholder is responsible for, once the deductible has been met.  —————————————————————————————————————————————- Example: Plan Type: PPO Co-Payment: $30 primary […]