Entries by PolicyAdvantage

Information After Election Day

At Policy Advantage Insurance Services… we’re all set to keep-up with the political climate. Begin to check our various outlets over the next few weeks after tomorrow’s election. We’ll share some great information that’s relevant to the results. Thanks for stopping by, we hope our information was valuable to you. Check back at our blog […]

Election Day IF/THEN Advice:

There’s an election coming up soon, and regardless of results… we’ll have some valuable information to share with you. So for now… we have some simple IF/THEN election advice: IF: Obama wins the election, THEN: Start to understand state health insurance exchanges and the Affordable Care Act. IF: Romney wins the election, THEN: Stay tuned […]

Welcome: Fall 2012 Info Campaign!

You probably received a flyer, or heard from us online.  We’re glad that you’re here! Also… hello to all of our current colleagues… Every once in a while, we’ll run a short info “campaign.” We’ll get valuable, up-to-date, and relevant content out to our friends, clients, and potential clients.  If you’re familiar with us, as you […]

Insurance Alphabet: Letter A

A is for: “ADVERSE SELECTION” Adverse selection is the tendency for higher risks to seek more insurance coverage than lower risks. Example: A 57 year old female with diabetes and a history of chronic illness would have a tendency to seek more health insurance coverage than a healthy 23 year old male. Interesting Point: As it […]

Welcome to the Policy Advantage Insurance Services™ blog!

Thanks for stopping by; we’re glad that you’re here. We have a lot of great information to share with you. Over the course of the next few years, there will be many things taking place in our industry! Stay tuned… we’re going to get you some valuable information. This is information that will help you save money while you […]