Entries by PolicyAdvantage

Phrases Made Easy: “Cost Sharing Reductions”

Welcome back to another edition of “Phrases Made Easy.” This series at our blog aims to help make all of those long, drawn-out insurance phrases easier to understand. One thing we notice when talking about health insurance (and health benefits in general) is that the concepts can be “wordy” and boring. We emphasize fixing that […]

Benefits Chalk Talk: 10 Essential Health Benefits

Welcome back to another edition of “Benefits Chalk Talk.” In this series at our blog, we provide you with valuable, up-to-date, relevant information about health benefits planning so that you can put the things in place that make the most sense for yourself or your company. At Policy Advantage Insurance Services, we feel that informed consumers […]

Covered California: “Certified Insurance Agent”

Today’s blog post is about Covered California’s “Certified Insurance Agents.” As you know, the new state health insurance marketplaces recently opened up for enrollment on October 1st, 2013. The marketplace in California is called Covered California. With the opening of these marketplaces, a number of new ways to enroll in an individual health insurance plan […]

Benefits Chalk Talk: Metallic Levels of Coverage

Welcome back to another edition of “Benefits Chalk Talk.” In this series at our blog, we provide you with valuable, up-to-date, relevant information about health benefits planning so that you can put the things in place that make the most sense for yourself or your company. At Policy Advantage Insurance Services, we feel that informed consumers […]

Health Insurance Marketplaces: Enrollment Begins October 1st

On October 1st, 2013, the new health insurance marketplaces will open for enrollment across the country for the first time. These new marketplaces (or exchanges) were a major component of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Healthcare Reform, Obamacare, etc). The main objective of these exchanges is to extend coverage to those who cannot […]

Benefits Chalk Talk: Registered Health Underwriter® (RHU®)

Welcome back to another edition of “Benefits Chalk Talk.” In this series at our blog, we provide you with valuable, up-to-date, relevant information about health benefits planning so that you can put the things in place that make the most sense for yourself or your company. At Policy Advantage Insurance Services, we feel that informed consumers […]

Insurance Alphabet: Letter F

F is for: “Full Time Equivalent Employee” Full Time Equivalent Employees (FTE): are employees who do not work full-time (defined as 30 or more hours per week) in your business or organization, but do count towards the full-time equivalent employee count. In other words, YES… part-time employees do count towards your overall employee grand total. “Full Time Equivalent Employees” is extremely […]

Department of Labor: Insurance Exchange Notice to Employees

Today’s blog post is about the insurance exchange notices that need to go out to employees of nearly all employer groups in the United States. The Department of Labor is calling this correspondence the “model notice.” It contains information about the upcoming health insurance marketplaces. There are provisions in the healthcare reform bill that were […]